07 - 10 - 2024

DynDNS Service - Configuration of NameCheap.com

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The configuration of the DynDNS Service for the DynDNS provider NameCheap.com is a little bit tricky, because the provider does not follow the DynDNS V2 protocol.

In particular, the transfer of the host name causes problems, because according to V2 protocol DynDNS the entire domain name (including the host name) is normally expected as a common parameter; NameCheap.com expects to respond the host name and the domain suffix in two separate parameters. However, the DynDNS Service easily can be configured with some minor modifications in the Update-URI so that the DynDNS update of DynDNS Service works with the provider NameCheap.com.

First, here are the key data for Detection- and Update-URI for the provider NameCheap.com:

NameCheap.com Detection
Unknown / not available. Use a general URI, such as

As you can see the domain 'www.example.com' is not taken from the placeholder [FQDN]. Instead, it was coded directly in the URI: The parameter 'host=www' contains the hostname 'www' of the domain 'www.example.com' during the parameter 'domain=example.com' contains the domain suffix 'example.com'. If you register your domain on NameCheap.com this domain should be integrated directly into the Update-URI instead of using the input field for the Full Qualified Domain Name at the Provider-Editor of the DynDNS Service.


Your domain is: 'mail.bumelux.com '. Change the Update-URI as follow:

As response code to detect a successful update by DynDNS Service type: 'good'. The other parameters can be used as usual filled by the Provider-Editor (These are filled by the respective placeholders).

DynDNS Service IPv6 Configuration

User Rating:  / 1

The DynDNS Service can also be used to perform DynDNS updates of computers, which are reachable by IPv6 addresses. However, you will need a DynDNS provider that accepts updates for IPv6 addresses.

The following access methods can be configured using the DynDNS Service:


Native IPv6 PublicIP

When the DynDNS Service has recognized a public IP address there already is a native IPv6 address.

The existing standard update URIs in DynDNS Service are mostly configured to perform IPv4 updates. Please check if your provider may be uses another update URI for IPv6. For example, some providers like to set the parameters ipv4 and ipv6 to distinguish between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Example for IPv4:


Example for IPv6:



Conversion IPv4 to IPv6

When recognized an IPv4 address by the DynDNS Service. However, your computer is accessible under the IPv6 equivalent in IPv6 networks.

The DynDNS Service supports the tunneling mechanism 4-to-6 in order to update an IPv4 address at the same time as the IPv6 equivalent in their DynDNS provider. Please check if your provider may be using a special update URI for IPv6 updates. Please proceed as described in section "Native IPv6 PublicIP".

If you know the update URI of your provider for IPv6 addresses and the DynDNS Service recognizes a public IPv4 address for your computer, please use the variable [IP4to6] instead of [PUBLICIP] in order to their IPv4 address as the IPv6 equivalent to update in their DynDNS provider.



IPv4 Mapping

When recognized an IPv4 address by the DynDNS Service. However, your computer will be updated on an IPv6-based DynDNS provider.

The DynDNS Service supports the mapping mechanism IPv4 mapped in order to update an IPv4 address as IPv6 address in their DynDNS provider. Please check if your provider may be using a special update URI for IPv6 updates. Please proceed as described in section "Native IPv6 PublicIP".

If you know the update URI of your provider for IPv6 addresses and the DynDNS Service recognizes a public IPv4 address for your computer, please use the variable [IP4mapped] instead of [PUBLICIP] in order to update the IPv4 address as IPv6 address in their DynDNS provider.



The IPv4 address is left completed with the prefix 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF::/96.


IPv4 Translated

When recognized an IPv4 address by the DynDNS Service. However, your computer will be updated on an IPv6-based DynDNS provider.

The DynDNS Service supports the mapping mechanism IPv4 translated in order to update an IPv4 address as IPv6 address in their DynDNS provider. Please check if your provider may be using a special update URI for IPv6 updates. Please proceed as described in section "Native IPv6 PublicIP".

If you know the update URI of your provider for IPv6 addresses and the DynDNS Service recognizes a public IPv4 address for your computer, please use the variable [IP4translated] instead of [PUBLICIP] in order to update the IPv4 address as IPv6 address in their DynDNS provider.



The IPv4 address is left completed with the prefix 0:0:0:0::FFFF:0::/96.


DynDNS Returncodes

User Rating:  / 2
If the DynDNS provider uses return codes of the DynDNS v2 standard, the meaning of each return code is documented in the following table.
DynDNS providers also can use its own proprietary return codes. In this case, please contact your DynDNS provider for more information.
Return CodeTypeDescription
Update Complete
good check
The update was successful, and the Full Qualified Domain Name (shortly FQDN) is now updated.
nochg check
The update changed no settings, and is considered abusive. Additional nochg updates will cause the FQDN to become blocked.
Account-related Errors
badauth error
The username and password pair do not match a real user.
!donator error
The requested update can not be executed without the user's manual intervention. For more details please contact your DynDNS provider.
FQDN-related Errors
notfqdn error
The FQDN specified is not a fully-qualified domain name (not in the form hostname.dyndns.org or domain.com).
Note! If no FQDNs were specified, notfqdn will be returned once.
nohost error
The FQDN specified does not exist in this user account (or is not in the service specified in the system parameter).
numhost error
Too many FQDNs (more than 20) specified in an update. Also returned if trying to update a round robin (which is not allowed).
abuse error
The specified FQDN is temporarily blocked for updates.
Agent-related Errors
badagent error
The user agent "DynDNS Service V1.x" was not accepted.
good error
This answer indicates good update only when address is requested by update. In all other cases it warns user that request was ignored because of agent "DynDNS Service V1.x" was not accepted by the DynDNS provider.
Provider-related Errors
dnserr error
A DNS error is encountered in the DynDNS provider's DNS system.
911 error
There is a problem or scheduled maintenance of the DynDNS provider.

DynDNS Service - Step-by-step guide

User Rating:  / 2

Interested for DynDNS Service, Version 2 ? Please read here

In this step-by-step instructions, the general procedure is described how DynDNS can be configured in 3 steps using the DynDNS Service. Prerequisite will be an existing DynDNS account at one of the many providers of dynamic DNS. This may be the provider of your DSL connection, be the hoster of their Internet domain or one of the many independent providers of which is probably the best known dyndns.org .

If configuration settings are not specified in the following steps, the displayed default settings should be used.

Step 1 - Detect public IP-Address

First, the DynDNS Service in the tab "Detection" will configured to detect the public IP address in their system:

  1. At the top select from the drop-down list the preconfigured URI for their provider, or enter the URI from the configuration description of their Provider. In the case of dyndns.org it would be:

  2. The DynDNS Service needs access to the Internet in order to call the selected URI. If you LAN allows access to the Internet through a proxy server only, please activate the "Proxy Settings" check the proxy server and enter the URI for the proxy server in your LAN as well as possibly needed for this authentication data.

  3. Ready! These are already all the necessary settings for the detection of the public IP address. To test whether the settings work, click once on the button "Detect Now":

    After a few seconds appear the public IP address right next to the button. If the DynDNS Service has detected the public IP address, you can continue with step 2.


Step 2 - Update public IP-Address

Then the DynDNS Service in the tab "Update" will configured to transmit the public IP address to their provider:

  1. Click the button "New" to bring up the Provider-Editor for a new entry.

  2. In the Provider-Editor fill all the configuration data necessary for the update one which you must have received from their provider:

    1. Top left as "Provider Name" enter a name of their choice.

    2. Top left as "Domain Name" enter the Internet domain name under which you computer should be accessed in the future.
      (e.g. "mydomain.com")

    3. In the middle as Update-URI select from the drop-down list a preconfigured URI of their provider or enter the URI manually (copying from the clipboard) as it was specified by your provider. In case of dyndns.org it would be:

      NOTE! The list of preset providers varies depending on the selected language!

    4. Bottom left, type in the authentication data received from your provider.

    5. Bottom right, select from the drop-down list keywords which marks the successful update. Mostly a DynDNS provider replies with terms as "good" if the update was successful or "nochg" if the public IP address is already up to date.
      In doubt please choose the entry "good, nochg".

  3. Ready! These are all necessary settings for the update of the public IP address. To test whether the settings work, click once on the button "Update Now":

    After a few seconds appear the message "Update successful" right next to the button. If the DynDNS Service has updated the public IP address, you can close the Provider-Editor with OK.

If you want to configure the DynDNS Service for the DynDNS feature of multiple providers, repeat step 2 for each provider separately.

Step 3 - Save settings

Now the DynDNS Service is successfully configured. In order to automate the update in future still must be saved configuration settings.

  1. Please click on the button "Save":
    Button Save-en

  2. Ready! At each change of the public IP address this is now updated to all configured DynDNS providers.


Frequently used URIs

The following table shows Detection- and Update URIs of providers for which the DynDNS Service is often configured:

OVH Detection
Unknown / not available. Use a general URI, such as
Nettica Detection
Zerigo.com Detection
ChangeIP.com Detection
NameCheap.com Detection
Unknown / not available. Use a general URI, such as
Please note the following: DynDNS Service Configuration for NameCheap.com
DNS-O-Matic Detection
No-IP Detection
Unknown / not available. Use a general URI, such as
3222.org Detection
Unknown / not available. Use a general URI, such as
he.net Detection
dnsdynamic.org Detection

The DynDNS Service shows the drop-down list of common DynDNS provider depending on the selected language. Depending on the distribution of a DynDNS provider in a language area its position in the drop-down list can be at different positions or completly invisible. For example, a provider who is circulated only in German-speaking countries it is displayed in the German drop-down list and in the English drop-down list is not.