22 - 10 - 2024

DynDNS Service 2

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TextlogoThe DynDNS Service is a DynDNS client for Windows operating systems, which installs itself as Windows service, permanently monitors the current status of the public IP address of your Internet connection and updates  your DynDNS provider(s) on demand.

Despite constantly changing IP addresses, it is still possible to access Internet, always under their domain name. The service of their home server can be made available over the Internet.

ConfigWindow DashboardTab short enIt is also possible to use the DynDNS function, not only by specialized DynDNS providers, but also to use the question asked by your domain hoster available DynDNS function for your domain.

An example:
They use the DynDNS function offered by "Dyn.com". Then your DynDNS domain might look like this:


You are free to choose the prefix "Myhost" for this domain unless another customer has already used it. The suffix "Dyndns.org" however, is fixed by the seller Dyn.com. Same time, the domain hosters offer the possibility of DynDNS configuration for their own Internet domain "mydomain.com" for the DynDNS-configuration. Then your DynDNS domain might look like this:


Both prefix and suffix can be freely chosen, and are never changed, even if you move their Internet domain to another provider.

Use of public IPv6 address for multiple endpoints

The application field of the use of IPv6 addresses also offers the possibility to customize the configuration of the DynDNS update so that several different endpoints (e.g. devices in your home LAN) could have access at the same time via the Internet. For example you can make available an existing webcam from the Internet, while your own local web server remains accessible on the Internet.

It can be made possible by splitting the detected IPv6 address in an IPv6 prefix and IPv6 identifier. If the IPv6 address has changes regularly, then also the IPv6 prefix and IPv6 identifier of the detected IPv6 address will change regularly. If aknowledged by your ISP, you can use a customized IPv6 Identifier from the detected IPv6 address. With a data width of 32 bit you can make available a maximum of about 4 billion endpoints in the Internet.

The most easily way to determine the IPv6 identifier is to get its link-local IPv6 address on the LAN:


Just as on the one hand a link-local IPv6 address can be reliably recognized by the IPv6 prefix "fe80::", then the rest can then easily identified as IPv6 identifier. In DynDNS Service, you can now concatinate a new final IPv6 address per endpoint using the placeholder for the IPv6 prefix (placeholder [IPV6PREFIX]) of the detected IPv6 address and the IPv6 identifier of the link-local IPv6 address of your endpoint and insert it into the update URL as new IPv6 address.

If you make available for each desired endpoint a separate entry in the provider list - whereby only the entered IPv6 Identifier is different - then the update of the public IPv6 address automatically updates the concatinated IPv6 addresses for all configured endpoints on your DynDNS provider(s).

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Detection of the public OP address

The DynDNS Service is resource-saving: The public IP address is determined only once. Once all changes are updated, domains are configured via DynDNS function at the respective DynDNS providers. Instead of installing multiple tools of different DynDNS providers is only necessary the installation of one tool, namely the DynDNS Service.
It is possible to determine the public IP address from multiple sources instead of only one source. The DynDNS Service runs through the list until an public IP address could be detected successfully.
The test environment for testing a new Internet source has been improved: The test will be performed in the environment of the Windows services and no longer in the environment of the local user, so that the user can be sure, that once successfully tested the Internet source successfully, then the Windows service can use it later. During testing, the answer of the Internet source is displayed in a built-in browser to identify faulty configured sources faster.

Proxy-Server support

The optional configuration of a proxy server (with or without authentication), the DynDNS Service also be used at any location in your own LAN, provided access to the Internet (via HTTP(s) protocol) is available.

Protocol and Notification support

The DynDNS Service always logs all activity over the recognition of the public IP address in a separate log, and the current update status with the DynDNS providers, and indicates the protocol in the configuration dialog. In addition, the DynDNS Service also informs Desktop Users by balloon function on the Windows desktop of potential problems during the recognition or the update. Optionally, the DynDNS Service also can be configured for e-mail delivery (including SMTPAUTH support) and then it is able to inform by e-mail too.
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Selection and configuration of DynDNS Update

The entry of a faultless update URL for the DynDNS update can be very complicated. In particular, if individual configurations are required and the support of the DynDNS provider does not help, the desired configuration will often fails.

Therefore, the DynDNS Service provides update URLs of frequently used DynDNS providers already in a drop-down list by default. This list will continuously adapted on demand.

Who needs to adapt the already preseted update URL or generally configure a custom update URL, is supported by highlighting and a WYSIWYG view.
The 'Highlighting' highlights important elements in the update URL, eg the placeholder, the domain or the detected IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, color-coded. Syntax errors are visible either because of the lack of the colored mark, or because of the color marking of directly recognized syntactic input errors.

The WYSIWYG view (WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get) indicates which update URL will be after inserting the placeholder actually generated by the DynDNS Service and sent to the DynDNS provider.

Executing own scripts

The DynDNS Service can also perform self-written scripts:
  • after succesful detection of a Public IP
  • after failed detection of a Public IP
  • for each provider:
    • before update
    • after succesful update
    • after failed update
Thus it is possible for example to use DynDNS Service, to detect the failure of an Internet connection in a timely manner and re-establish it.

Additional technical features:

  • Manages the DynDNS update for multiple domains or more DynDNS provider(s)

  • Integrated support for the protocol DynDNS v2 by dyndns.org
    (The authentication for the DynDNS update via Base64 HTTP authentication.)

  • Supported languages: English, German
  • Direct support for separate detection of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from different sources.
  • Seconds-accurate setting of the query interval and timeout behavior.
  • Support for IPv6 protocol including the tunnel protocols 'IP4to6', 'IP6to4', 'IP4translated', 'IP4mapped'.
  • Support of IP detection from local network interfaces.
  • Support for IP detection of DSL routers with UPnP feature.
  • Restore the source list to original state via <CTRL-F5>.
  • Additional optimization of the layout of e-mail notifications also for notifications on smartphones.

System requirements

For the installation of the DynDNS Service on a computer following requirements must be met:

  • Microsoft Windows client or server operating system, all versions from Windows Vista
    (All 32- and 64-Bit versions are supported.)
  • Access to the Internet:
    • To detect the public IP address from Internet sources
    • For the DynDNS update on DynDNS providers
  • Microsoft .NET Framework V4.5
  • You have one or more DynDNS accounts with each DynDNS providers


License Type: Free Trial
File Size: 17.55 MB
Downloads: 35746

Please note that you can use this program only for a period of 30 days. After 30 days, you must either remove the program and may not continue to use it, or you must register the program. This version is - compared to the full version - unlimited in any function, so you have the opportunity to try all the features of this program. The only restriction: This version is only usable for 30 days. The cost of registration see to 'Registration'.


Additional ways to download anti-virus-tested versions of DynDNS Service software, please follow this links:
  DynDNS Service, Download bei heise 

DynDNS Service downloaden


Awards / Recommendations

The following awards or recommendations of the DynDNS Service can be found on the following websites:



The installer for the DynDNS Service from version 2 contains both the 32-bit and 64-bit code and automatically installs the appropriate version on your system. After starting the installer, please follow the instructions on the installer. The target computer can be located at any position in the LAN; it must only have access to the Internet and should be always switched on - e.g. the own home server.

More information

General tips and tricks for configuring the DynDNS Service:

Published configuration settings of DynDNS providers: