Please read the following lines carefully before using this software. If you disagree with any of the following, you are not allowed to use this program. You MUST then delete it immediately.

1. Free Trial-Version

You have the right to test this program for a period of 30 days. You are allowed to copy this program and give it to any other person, as long as it is not modified in any way.
You are NOT allowed to pack this program together with a commercial program or a book. Shareware dealers are not allowed to sell the program. It must be clear to the customer that he isn't receiving the full version! The distribution on CD-ROM is also permitted, as long as the original files are not changed in any way. Please contact me if you want to distribute the program with a different installation program, changed files etc.
Programs marked as "Beta" or "Release candidate" may not be distributed under any conditions.
Use of this software after the trial period is in violation of international Copyright law! It is also unfair to the author, who has spent a lot of days developing this program.

2. Registration

This program is neither freeware nor public domain. Use after the 30 day trial period requires registration. The registration fee is excl. S&H for a personal license

3. Personal license

The registered version may be installed on as many computers as desired, as long as it is used by only one person at any one time (i.e. one installation at home and one at the office used by the same person). The usage by multiple people at the same time (on multiple computers) requires additional licenses.

4. Additional licenses (multi-user licenses)

Additional licenses allow an institution, company or school to install the program on multiple computers or on a server. It must be guaranteed that the program does not run on more machines at the same time than there are licenses purchased.
All licenses are issued to the same (company) name. For larger amounts please contact the author. Each additional license also allows a single user to use the program at home.

5. Liability

I try to keep my software as bug-free as possible. But it's a general rule (Murphy's), that no software ever is error free, and the number of errors increases with the complexity of the program. That's why I cannot guarantee that this program will run in every environment, on any Windows compatible machine, together with any other application, without producing errors. Any liability for damage of any sort is hereby denied. In any case, the liability is limited to the registration fee.
Please test this program with non-critical data. We cannot guarantee the safety of your data. Especially new operating systems released after a specific version of this program can cause trouble, so make sure to upgrade often. Should you detect errors before registration, you accept them if you register. Any description of bugs will be accepted, but I cannot guarantee that I will be able to correct them (but I will try my best).
All mentioned Trademarks and Copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Legal domicile is Dresden, Germany.

Matthias Pierschel, D-01109 Dresden, Germany, 2013